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NVS-02, 62850

Orbit data source: Space-Track

NVS-02, 62850 is a payload satellite owned by ISRO (IN) in HEO that was launched on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 UTC via a GSLV MK II launch vehicle from the Sirharikota (SRI). Payloads include a variety of satellites, spacecraft, and rockets equipped with specific instruments for various scientific and technological missions. These include communications satellites like Starlink; space stations such as the ISS; scientific satellites like the Hubble; Earth observation satellites from companies like Planet Labs, Umbra, and HawkEye 360; GPS; miniature CubeSats for education and research; and military/defense satellites.

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Last TLE update12 hours ago
MissionPartially operational spacecraft
Bus & MotorI2K, ISRO LAM
Mass2,232 kg wet, ~1,000 kg dry
Shape & HBRUnknown
Radar Cross SectionLarge (>1 m²)

Expand to show TLE details & history

TLE from 12 hours ago
0 NVS-02
1 62850U 25020A   25070.66076324  .00004417 -41513-6  24150-3 0  9990
2 62850  20.9598  67.5207 7394230 205.7286  82.0720  2.17141357   911
Epoch: 2025-03-11T15:51Z
Definitive object data (Epoch: 2025-03-11T15:51:29.943Z)
Altitude27,820.114 km
Speed2.736 km/s
True Right ascension04h 30m 03s
True Declination0° 00' 00"
Object was in daylight at TLE epoch
Visualization TLE readout
Altitude34,893.317 km
Speed1.869 km/s
Apparent Right ascension04h 59m 57s
Apparent Declination0° 41' 18"
Object is in daylight
Visualization observer readout
Local Sidereal Time08:40:27
Azimuth245.369° WSW
Doppler factor1
Orbital elements
Apogee altitude37,447.218 km
Perigee altitude187.189 km
Semi-major axis25,195.34 km
Arg. of periapsis205.7286°
True anomaly154.35935°
Mean anomaly82.072°
Eccentric anomaly119.0927°
Mean motion0.5427 °/min
Orbital period663.35 mins
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Other satellites on launch #20 in the year 2025 (2025-01-29 UTC)

NVS-02 Visibility forecast

Observer location: undefined°, undefined

Click to sort rows by Start time (UTC) header in descending order
Start Az.
Max El. time (UTC)
Max El. Az.
Max El.
End time (UTC)
End Az.
208 mins2025-03-12 04:20:37.919Z245.353° WSW2025-03-12 04:20:37.919Z245.353° WSW23.302°2025-03-12 07:48:37.919Z271.808° WNW
21 mins2025-03-12 10:50:37.919Z266.936° W2025-03-12 11:05:37.919Z245.881° WSW12.953°2025-03-12 11:11:37.919Z224.539° SW
303 mins2025-03-12 23:17:37.919Z207.701° SW2025-03-13 02:24:37.919Z214.742° SW34.678°2025-03-13 04:20:37.919Z237.611° WSW