OBJECT AH, 62640

Orbit data source: Space-Track

You're viewing an Uncataloged Satellite

Recently launched and/or uncataloged satellites may have evolving metadata. Metadata may include but not limited to: Owner, Maufacturer, Bus, Motor, and Mission.

OBJECT AH, 62640 is a satellite in SSO that was launched on Tue, 14 Jan 2025 UTC via an FALCON 9 launch vehicle from the Air Force Western Test Range (AFWTR). Unknown objects in Earth's orbit typically refer to objects detected orbiting the Earth but have not yet been identified or cataloged. These objects could be anything from previously untracked satellites, spent rocket stages, debris from satellite collisions, or even natural meteoroids temporarily captured by Earth's gravity.

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Last TLE update15 hours ago
ManufacturerURUGUS S.A.
MissionOperational spacecraft
Bus & MotorNEWSAT V, Unknown motor
Mass41.5 kg wet, 38.5 kg dry
Shape & HBRUnknown
Radar Cross SectionMedium (>0.1 m² and <1 m²)

Expand to show TLE details & history

TLE from 15 hours ago
1 62640U 25009AH  25070.86647237  .00012013  00000-0  57951-3 0  9998
2 62640  97.4315 152.6111 0003592 137.2039 222.9476 15.18834140  8500
Epoch: 2025-03-11T20:47Z
Definitive object data (Epoch: 2025-03-11T20:47:43.212Z)
Altitude514.263 km
Speed7.606 km/s
True Right ascension10h 10m 26s
True Declination0° 00' 00"
Object was in full shadow at TLE epoch
Visualization TLE readout
Altitude521.083 km
Speed7.611 km/s
Apparent Right ascension04h 30m 54s
Apparent Declination24° 51' 18"
Object is in daylight
Visualization observer readout
Local Sidereal Time15:43:51
Azimuth348.289° N
Doppler factor1
Orbital elements
Apogee altitude508.804 km
Perigee altitude503.859 km
Semi-major axis6,884.468 km
Arg. of periapsis137.2039°
True anomaly222.91956°
Mean anomaly222.9476°
Eccentric anomaly222.93358°
Mean motion3.7996 °/min
Orbital period94.75 mins
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OBJECT AH Visibility forecast

Observer location: undefined°, undefined

Click to sort rows by Start time (UTC) header in descending order
Start Az.
Max El. time (UTC)
Max El. Az.
Max El.
End time (UTC)
End Az.
6 mins2025-03-12 17:54:52.592Z25.637° NE2025-03-12 17:57:52.592Z93.644° ESE36.945°2025-03-12 18:00:52.592Z172.299° S
4 mins2025-03-13 04:34:52.592Z101.72° ESE2025-03-13 04:36:52.592Z58.826° ENE18.843°2025-03-13 04:38:52.592Z24.113° NE
4 mins2025-03-13 06:08:52.592Z232.217° WSW2025-03-13 06:09:52.592Z255.275° W21.774°2025-03-13 06:12:52.592Z315.88° NNW