STARLINK-5685, 55477

Orbit data source: Space-Track

STARLINK-5685, 55477 is a payload satellite owned by SpaceX/Seattle (US) in LEO that was launched on Thu, 02 Feb 2023 UTC via an FALCON 9 launch vehicle from the Air Force Eastern Test Range (AFETR). Payloads include a variety of satellites, spacecraft, and rockets equipped with specific instruments for various scientific and technological missions. These include communications satellites like Starlink; space stations such as the ISS; scientific satellites like the Hubble; Earth observation satellites from companies like Planet Labs, Umbra, and HawkEye 360; GPS; miniature CubeSats for education and research; and military/defense satellites.

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Last TLE update4 hours ago
MissionOperational Commercial Communications
Bus & MotorSTARLINK, Unknown motor
Mass305 kg wet, ~290 kg dry
Shape & HBRBox + 1 Pan, 10.11 m
Radar Cross Section13.562 m², Large (>1 m²)

Expand to show TLE details & history

TLE from 4 hours ago
1 55477U 23015AE  25073.15198909 -.00000194  00000-0  74315-6 0  9999
2 55477  43.0018 112.5677 0001184 274.9948  85.0759 15.02532996116668
Epoch: 2025-03-14T03:38Z
Definitive object data (Epoch: 2025-03-14T03:38:51.857Z)
Altitude558.796 km
Speed7.584 km/s
True Right ascension07h 30m 16s
True Declination0° 00' 00"
Object was in full shadow at TLE epoch
Visualization TLE readout
Altitude559.984 km
Speed7.583 km/s
Apparent Right ascension21h 39m 17s
Apparent Declination-25° 56' 34"
Object is in daylight
Visualization observer readout
Local Sidereal Time12:09:07
Azimuth77.376° E
Doppler factor1
Orbital elements
Apogee altitude561.834 km
Perigee altitude560.191 km
Semi-major axis6,939.149 km
Arg. of periapsis274.9948°
True anomaly85.08942°
Mean anomaly85.0759°
Eccentric anomaly85.08266°
Mean motion3.75477 °/min
Orbital period95.88 mins
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STARLINK-5685 Visibility forecast

Observer location: undefined°, undefined

Click to sort rows by Start time (UTC) header in descending order
Start Az.
Max El. time (UTC)
Max El. Az.
Max El.
End time (UTC)
End Az.
7 mins2025-03-14 08:45:52.325Z281.108° WNW2025-03-14 08:49:52.325Z17.415° NNE38.892°2025-03-14 08:52:52.325Z74.503° E
6 mins2025-03-14 10:27:52.325Z290.039° WNW2025-03-14 10:30:52.325Z83.339° E43.531°2025-03-14 10:33:52.325Z104.565° ESE
5 mins2025-03-14 12:08:52.325Z258.142° W2025-03-14 12:10:52.325Z214.343° SW26.251°2025-03-14 12:13:52.325Z157.663° S
6 mins2025-03-15 05:22:52.325Z200.417° SSW2025-03-15 05:24:52.325Z159.757° S28.017°2025-03-15 05:28:52.325Z84.959° E
7 mins2025-03-15 07:02:52.325Z259.465° W2025-03-15 07:05:52.325Z11.481° NNE44.191°2025-03-15 07:09:52.325Z71.456° E